  • Becoming sort of a nature weirdo. Added a hiking page.
  • Added a Neopian Post Office restocking simulator because there are way too many stamps and I need practice. The JS for that is suuuuper ugly. Score is based off of item rarity divided by the amount of time it took to click.
  • I think I might try to break these updates out into a separate page? And maybe paginate them somehow. This file is just going to keep getting longer and longer :(
  • Added a new status field for whatever thing I'm hyperfixating on, after wrestling with some major DOM issues trying to get that whole section to load. The joys of Javascript.
  • Who was going to tell me that I forgot to put .html at the end of external_links in the nav??
  • Added blorbos.html because I am cringe, but I am free.
  • Shamelessly asked ChatGPT to refactor my shitty CSS. It's a little bit cleaner and it gave me the motivation to fix a bug that had been there for a while.
  • Added a secret :)
Happy New Year or whatever.
  • Re-added the affiliate list to the profile page.
  • De-coupled the update status javascript and the update affiliate javascript for my own sanity.
  • Added a button leading to my buddy's site over at Murphy Reviews! Please go check his stuff out.
  • Ever wanted to find out if you were psychic? Go find out with my new Zener cards page. :D
Happy October! :)
  • I just went through and adjusted the CSS to make it slightly less shitty (hopefully).
  • I also added some new links to the affiliates list on my profile page in case you want to go check out some other cool websites. Just kidding, I put it on every page forever.
  • Added a music reviews page as preparation for Gizztober :D
  • Added a road sign mode to my tarot page.
  • Created the my_stuff folder and moved the review subfolder from the collection folder over to my_stuff. Not a huge fan of this naming convention, but I wasn't satisfied with 'art' or 'creations' either, so. Whatever.
  • Added a page for art!
  • Replaced the landing page (previously describing the page as 'under construction' and linking to home.html) with the contents of home.html. Not really sure I like this change, might switch back later.
  • Created this psychic bee as an homage to this web page because I insisted on committing to this bit for some reason.
Reorganized the website a little.
  • Split images into a subfolder to better customize how different image types are displayed.
  • Added descriptions to each main.html and removed patch(?) notes. Relocated patch notes to home page.
  • Added a profile page. You can get to it by clicking on my picture from any page. It contains things such as details about me, interests, a button to add to your own site, and links to my friends' webpages :)
  • Made the 404 page link back to whatever page you came from instead of sending you to the home page.
  • Added a reviews folder now that I've finished American Psycho.